13 Petrol Stations on the A5 in Wales
This is a tongue in cheek connection of the Welsh A5 road once inhabited by post war Morris Minor cars , AA men saluting on motorbikes and the very American Ed Ruscha’s Twentysix Gasoline Stations.
In 1962 Ed Ruscha produced a small book, 26 Gasoline Stations. Photographs taken on his frequent trips between Los Angeles and Oklahoma
Reflecting on the work of Ruscha.
Elevating the places above their everydayness.
The subject is possibly anti-aesthetic or banal.
This is an exercise to explore the documentary photograph, a collection of facts and possibly an artwork.
It questions my objectives as a photographer.
It was presented as part of Unus Multorum Exhibition, Plas Bodfa, Anglesey. 2020 . Including hand made mini books as part of the artist multiples project.